The future is very bright… There are thousands of heroes around the world contributing their part to moving out of the old matrix, control system to . We do this quietly, without a fight or battle, by declaring our divine sovereignty and gently exiting the theatre to begin building a New Earth.
The dark ones would like us to go to war with each other, to be fighting on the streets as they set colour and creed against each other, which is their excuse for the next stage of the agenda. This divide and conquer system has worked for millenium to bring in more tyranny and control.
The difference now is that mankind is awakening and we have been gifted the knowledge and tools to exit the transhumanist system and the no so Great Reset!
Around the world
The reason why this is so important is that
Co-creating a New Earth
The title of this article comes from a kind of intuitive knowing that
Ascension process
Ending the Cycle
Building Resilient New Systems
Invitation to Build Divine Sovereign Communities
We are inviting professionals from all walks of life, medical, law, agriculture and more who wish to participate in Divine Sovereign Communities to make themselves known to us,. We recognize there are many wonderful people in today’s world working against their integrity, their own inner knowing and truth, their conscience. As a result, many are leaving valuably trained positions and exiting the system because their conscience will not allow them to continue. If you are a trained professional and would like to be a part of the rebuilding of the medical, law or any other professional system, where you will be free to continue your work with a clear conscience and knowing that you are making this world a better place, please do contact us immediately. Your skills and experience will be needed for the days, months and years ahead.
Once you have completed your Declaration of Divine Sovereignty, please write to us here and make yourself known to us. If you are still in the process of applying for your Declaration of Divine Sovereignty, please indicate your profession and willingness to help on your application.
The Club
Apothekin is a private members club for those of mankind seeking knowledge and access to natural remedies privately as a woman or man only; it has been created as the safest way to deliver and protect the benefits offered to members without the intrusion of agents acting for those who seek to limit our natural rights;
Apothekin is a private initiative created as the private property of i: a man; Gregory of clann Meanwell;
Benefits of Membership
Apothekin seeks to support the needs of members in the following ways by offering:
i agree that:
Notice to Agents
any man or woman acting as agent to collect data for purposes of investigation, entrapment or other commercial interest is forbidden from joining this private club;
any man or woman acting as agent who collects and/or shares any private information from this club, or from any of its members, with any public/government/commercial agency, will be considered to have personally engaged in trespass by way of piracy and barratry, list not exhausted, and will be your immediate agreement to pay i: a man; Gregory of the clann Meanwell via the legal fiction account Mr Gregory Meanwell the sum of £200,000 plus £20 a minute whilst the trespass continues.