Private Members Club

These are some of my favourite teachings in Sovereignty and law from some trailblazers along the way…

Declaration of Divine Sovereignty

The Divine Sovereign Decree is about taking back control of who you truly are from the “piracy of the high seas” and the evil powers that stole it from you in the first place. 

Becoming a Divine Sovereign all starts with declaring to the Universe your original ownership over your own Sovereign Estate (your physical body, trust and Soul.)

This is done by completing a document called the Declaration of Divine Sovereignty, the purpose of which is to contract out from the deception that unknowingly began with the creation of your original birth certificate.

It is very important that you fully comprehend that in the 3D world there are only contracts and the ILLUSION of law, and that Natural Law (the original law of the land) does not come under these jurisdictions!

We are now awakening to this deception and through the Declaration of Divine Sovereignty are taking back control of what is truly ours: our sacred body temple/land, and our free-will right to make informed choices by informed consent.

The Sovereign’s Way*

The Law for Mankind gives you the tools to be able to stand as a wo/man in the private whilst also being able to use the ‘person’ title as and when we choose to.

This training is founded on the emotional healing work needed to resolve the traumas we carry so that we can resolve legal and lawful controversies from a place of peace, responsibility and honour… 

The Law for Mankind teaching does not involve studying legal methods, it is about the real law, including the laws of the universe and how we create our living experience. It’s remarkably simple and powerful, but not easy! For many it is a life-changing experience.

Here’s their Lessons in Law free mini-series:

and here’s their free Q&A Clinic:

Sovereign Empowerment

This method focuses on common law and the abundance of our ‘hidden’ rights within the legal system that were put in place to protect us from government over-reach as well as how to resolve other civil wrongs and common law claims.

There is a lot of free material encouraging you to start the process of regaining this important knowledge of civil procedure to comprehend how councils, government agencies and businesses are required to operate and how the wo/men acting outside of their oath of office can be held to account…


A training in How To Win In Court without a lawyer – created by an attorney with 37 years of professional experience. This course is highly recommended by the Sovereign Empowerment team and it has so many testimonials showing that this is best course for taking on the corrupt lawyers at their own game and winning.

Sample Legal Forms. Simplified Explanations. Case-Winning Procedures. Powerful Evidence Tactics.Control Biased Judges. Stop Lawyers’ Dirty Tricks. Common-Sense Strategies that WORK!

Allegedly Dave

The lovely and inspiring Dave Murphy… who travels and gives talks on many subjects from law, to finance, to health, free energy, telepathy, flat earth and many more…

Other Health Sovereignty Sites

The World Council for Health – brings to the table the world’s best health advocates, doctors, innovators, and activists seeking to achieve good health for all –

The Way Forward – charting a path toward health, freedom, and awareness for all Mankind –

Inpower Movement – you have the right to protect your health and home, whether it is unsafe trespassing technology or other unwanted interventions such as ‘experimental injections’ and the 5G etc.

* i receive a small commission on the Sovereign’s Way and Jurisdictionary training


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Apothekin Private Membership Club Agreement

The Club

Apothekin is a private members club for those of mankind seeking knowledge and access to natural remedies privately as a woman or man only; it has been created as the safest way to deliver and protect the benefits offered to members without the intrusion of agents acting for those who seek to limit our natural rights;

Apothekin is a private initiative created as the private property of i: a man; Gregory of clann Meanwell;

Benefits of Membership

Apothekin seeks to support the needs of members in the following ways by offering:

  • access to natural remedies through the members website and by mail order;
  • access to a sharing platform to gain and share knowledge of health and natural law
  • information to support your journey towards health sovereignty;
  • information and resources to help members build apothecaries in their local community;
Rules of the Club

i agree that:

  • in this club i relate as a man or woman in the private only;
  • all codes, policies and terms of service of public jurisdiction do not apply within this club;
  • all remedies and other creations are offered for compensation by donation only;
  • any information, suggestions or guidance are offered as the private opinion of a wo/man;
  • i take full responsibility and all risk for my actions with any information provided within this club;
  • any problems or issues within the club will be settled honourably in the private;
  • the content shared in this club is the private property of the wo/man who created it;
  • the information provided in this club is private and confidential and can only be shared with explicit permission;

Notice to Agents

any man or woman acting as agent to collect data for purposes of investigation, entrapment or other commercial interest is forbidden from joining this private club;

any man or woman acting as agent who collects and/or shares any private information from this club, or from any of its members, with any public/government/commercial agency, will be considered to have personally engaged in trespass by way of piracy and barratry, list not exhausted, and will be your immediate agreement to pay i: a man; Gregory of the clann Meanwell via the legal fiction account Mr Gregory Meanwell the sum of £200,000 plus £20 a minute whilst the trespass continues.