Private Members Club

Apothekin private health club

Did you know that a man or woman has the natural divine right:

–  to our property – and that includes our body and what goes in it

–  to use God’s remedies – mankind is given royal dominion to enjoy the fruits of the Earth

–  to share our ideas & wisdom – about remedies, health, sovereignty and anything else of value…

You are invited to join the Apothekin club to access remedies & information lawfully in the private

Health Sovereignty

our body is our property

Acess to Natural Remedies

freedom to use nature's remedies

Sharing in the Private

freedom to share knowledge

The Apothecary

Sourcing the best organic, wild crafted & purest remedies we can find…


Chlorine Dioxide Solution

Detox Bundles - for EMF, shedding & chemtrails

Homeopathic & herbal detox protocols etc.

Health Sovereignty

Learn about natural law, who we really are & the rights of mankind 
Discover how to lawfully make the best health choices for you and your family. It’s all about consent…

Access Natural Remedies

Access natural remedies in the private as a wo/man 
Mankind has divine rights to access and use natural remedies without interference. 

Sharing in the Private

Sharing wisdom & experience about natural remedies & holistic health

Read and learn from other members or upgrade your membership and contribute to the discussion. Vote on the best articles and comments.

Membership by donation starts at £1 a month

Cancel anytime


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Apothekin Private Membership Club Agreement

The Club

Apothekin is a private members club for those of mankind seeking knowledge and access to natural remedies privately as a woman or man only; it has been created as the safest way to deliver and protect the benefits offered to members without the intrusion of agents acting for those who seek to limit our natural rights;

Apothekin is a private initiative created as the private property of i: a man; Gregory of clann Meanwell;

Benefits of Membership

Apothekin seeks to support the needs of members in the following ways by offering:

  • access to natural remedies through the members website and by mail order;
  • access to a sharing platform to gain and share knowledge of health and natural law
  • information to support your journey towards health sovereignty;
  • information and resources to help members build apothecaries in their local community;
Rules of the Club

i agree that:

  • in this club i relate as a man or woman in the private only;
  • all codes, policies and terms of service of public jurisdiction do not apply within this club;
  • all remedies and other creations are offered for compensation by donation only;
  • any information, suggestions or guidance are offered as the private opinion of a wo/man;
  • i take full responsibility and all risk for my actions with any information provided within this club;
  • any problems or issues within the club will be settled with honour in the private by way of mediation;
  • the content shared in this club is the private property of the wo/man who created it;
  • the information provided in this club is private and confidential and can only be shared with explicit permission;

Notice to Agents

any man or woman acting as agent to collect data for purposes of investigation, entrapment or other commercial interest is forbidden from joining this private club;

any man or woman acting as agent who collects and/or shares any private information from this club, or from any of its members, with any public/government/commercial agency, will be considered to have personally engaged in trespass by way of piracy and barratry, list not exhausted, and will be your immediate agreement to pay i: a man; Gregory of the clann Meanwell via the legal fiction account Mr Gregory Meanwell the sum of £200,000 plus £20 a minute whilst the trespass continues.